Every year for as long as I can remember, we come up with different holiday greeting themes that somehow connect back to what happened that year. 2020 could have gone in SO many different directions. There was toilet paper, hand sanitizer, quarantine, pandemic, zoom everything, and car parades as card candidates. I finally landed on a parody of the “What my friends think I do” internet meme, 2020 style. A holiday meme card was too perfect to share a little about what we did.
The DIY template was easy to make in photoshop. I dragged the most representative image I could find into each spot and printed at our professional print shop, WHCC, to get these on beautiful art linen cardstock.
Custom Holiday Meme Card (front)
The back is always a grid of 7-8 photos and a short update on everyone and images from throughout the year. I’ll share a version here of the DonThao family.
Since I take so many pictures, I can’t help but share from more than a single portrait session. Do you always stick to single photography session images or a smattering of everything like we do?
As you can see, most of this year was expected solid family time and I have few complaints about that. We learned to balance presence between all of the work, life, home activities that suddenly took place on the same 3.3 acres. There were plenty of frustrating moments, but our belief is that these temporary changes gained some great life perspective.
We miss our friends and family of course and look forward to gatherings AND more photoshoots. Happy Holidays!